Press Release: Silverton Mortgage Implements Ground-Breaking Mortgage Technology

Silverton Mortgage Implements Ground-Breaking Mortgage Technology

Atlanta, Georgia-October 18, 2016: This month, Silverton Mortgage implemented ground-breaking technology for the mortgage industry; making the mortgage application process completely paperless. Silverton is WebMax, LLC’s first client to use the new and improved Graphic Pre-qualification mortgage application.

“We set out to design an intuitive graphical application that guided clients through the application processes while limiting the amount of text input. Webmax helped us achieve that, the new application allows clients to complete an application in under 2 minutes whether using a smartphone, table or pc,” states Jason Strain, Vice President Development, Sliverton Mortgage.

This application is designed to appeal to millennials and reduce the abandonment rate of standard online mortgage applications. The information collected in this application integrates with the Loan Origination Systems, Credit institutions, Bank institutions, and streamlines the mortgage process.

“We are looking forward to helping our clients boost corporate growth by unleashing the full potential of their sales team and maximizing lead generation,” states Curt Tegeler, President of WebMax, LLC.

The product is an enterprise level website solution that accommodates corporate, branch and loan officer websites from a centralized location.

WebMax, LLC is a full service software development company located in Turnersville, NJ. WebMax is the leader in mortgage and real estate internet marketing, web design, custom programming and development, and provides enterprise level mortgage solutions that integrate with multiple LOS’s, CRMs, and IDX websites for real estate agents and brokers. We offer a new and continuously improving custom mortgage marketing solution for mortgage bankers, branches, and their loan officers.

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