Tips for Good Website Design

September 29, 2020


There’s a lot of factors that go into good website design that many people don’t think about. When designing your own website, it can be overwhelming to realize how many things there are to take account of. WebMax does its best to make your online experience as great as possible with our websites. It’s also why we’re here to offer some help. With these tips, not only will you be able to increase your understanding of website design, but you will also have the ability to change your current website into something better. It also helps to use our digital software solutions when following these tips so that you can be equipped with the proper applications suited for your website.

1. Find The Right Font

Fonts are going to be the element on your website that viewers look at the longest. This is because it’s in all of the words they read! The best ways to make fonts optimized for your readers is to make sure that they can read the text. Using fonts that aren’t fancy when creating your main bodies of text are best. The more complex the font is, the more strain it is for the reader when they are reading multiple sentences of it. Fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, and other fonts similar to those two are preferable for paragraphs. Titles are great for expression, however. Just make sure that the title can also be read.

Fonts also have the ability to create emotional impressions. Thin fonts can make companies seem simple, elegant, or hipster. Bold fonts can often be seen as powerful, sturdy, retro, and just overall loud. That can be a good thing depending on what your brand is. You can also use a website called JustMyType if you want to brainstorm some font combinations. It’ll be useful to find a font that is versatile for all of your website. This way, your company can seem more consistent and it improves the readability of the text.

2. Use Good Images

Images are elements in web design that viewers gravitate towards. If an image is blurry, it can tarnish the reputation of the company. It might seem like a big stretch, but your online audience will be quick to judge your professionalism over poor imagery. Using relevant graphics with high quality can help improve your customer’s online experience.

Images also serve as dividers when creating the navigation on your website. They can be used as breaks for readers when there is a lot of text to get through. Oracle states that the attention span has dropped to 8 seconds within the past three years. Making it important to give readers as many breaks as you can to keep them engaged. Reading can be mentally exhausting, so be aware of text that runs on for too long.

3. Have A Smart Color Palette

Logo, Website, Text, Practicality. Colors play a large role in any design project. It creates subconscious psychological impressions on consumers. Keep an eye on what colors you choose for your logos, website colors, and even the colors in your graphics. Each color has an emotional effect on others. For example, green is calming and has the feeling of energy when you look at it. It’s why health stores, gas stations, and lifestyle companies use the color green in their design. Fast food restaurants use red and yellow because those colors make consumers feel hungry and hyper. Many people associate the two color combination with food, but red is also often used for realty related businesses. If you need help finding ideas for color palettes, you can use MyColorSpace to generate a multitude of palettes for brainstorming. All you have to do is enter one hex code in the slot and it’ll give you access to palettes that work well with that color.

Being more aware of how you use the elements in your website helps you to understand how to design your website. These tips can also make it easier to create other online campaigns and better your social media aesthetics. WebMax looks forward to seeing how you use this information. We often share tips and tricks to strengthen your online presence through our newsletter, so feel free to subscribe to them for free here. Also, don’t forget to check out our services to see how WebMax can help your team with our digital software solutions. You can also find more useful tips in our blog.