WebMax Basics: SEO 101

July 23rd, 2020

Figuring out how to optimize your website in your company’s favor can be difficult. It becomes a confusing mess of strategies when the algorithm is constantly in development. Of course, the changing algorithm is also a good thing! It has evolved to filter out websites using faulty tactics to rank higher in search engines. This allows respectable businesses to rank higher easier. Ethically utilizing SEO will heighten the chances of getting better visibility. This makes it important to understand the different types of search engine optimization.


White Hat

White Hat SEO is when you improve search engine results using practices that comply with that search engine’s policies. It may be a long term commitment, but can be excruciatingly beneficial in the long run. You can expand the longevity of your website when you responsibly use strategies that safely market your brand. Some White Hat tactics include creating unique content, utilizing strong keywords, and engaging with your audience. Of course, utilizing SEO techniques is easier when you have a well built and functional website. Having broken links, applications, among other assets will stunt your ranking. WebMax offers sturdy, enterprise-level websites that include a multitude of features. Start, our digital point of sale, can also strengthen your website’s search engine rankings.


Black Hat


Black Hat methods for SEO tend to show quick results, but it can negatively impact how the algorithm affects your website’s ranks over time. Websites that practice these methods have a higher chance of being reported. This is due to the fact that they go against search engine policies. Black Hat SEO consists of manipulating viewers and abusing the algorithm to skyrocket to the top of page results. A couple of examples for this would be excess keywords, hidden content, plagiarism, and purchased links. As explained by SEMrush, Google began using the “Penguin” update to filter out websites that use these techniques. While this update would also affect more official brand websites accidentally, reversing these penalties would be easy by understanding how to ethically optimize your search engine results.


Grey Hat


Additionally, there is another strategy similar to Black Hat tactics named Grey Hat SEO. As the name implies, Grey Hat SEO is essentially the middle grounds of the two previous methods. More often than not, this method plays on the manipulation of viewers. They may also take advantage of other online creators. It’s not inherently a good or bad method. Though, there is still a moderate risk of being reported and having your SEO rankings erased. Some examples of Grey Hat SEO would be creating new content from old content and buying old domains. They aren’t usually against search engine policies. Of course that doesn’t mean you should use them. Most search engines disagree with these tactics and recommend not using them.  Many of these techniques have little to no benefits. Additionally, other Grey Hat moves such as clickbaiting or purchasing followers and reviewers can hurt your reputation.


Things To Consider


  • Generic keywords may reach more viewers. Nonetheless, targeted keywords such as locations and services will reach more potential clients.


  • You can also use keyword research tools to get targeted keywords, analyze trends. These tools can help find similar keywords that can help compete with the ones you are currently using.


  • Viewers are more likely to spend more time navigating around a website that caters to their interests. Creating quality content also encourages other websites to link back to your own.


  • Link building is still a large portion of the algorithm. You can obtain more quality links by marketing your website content on  media platforms and other websites.


Understanding the fundamentals of search engine optimization can be beneficial to your company. Staying up to date with your websites and practicing safe techniques is crucial to SEO. However it can also assist with building stronger relationships with your current and potential customers. Remember to also observe trends that can aid in raising your search engine rankings. If this article was helpful to you, consider checking out our other articles on SEO and marketing.